2 years old with a giveaway

Hello Dear Reader,

2 years ago from today, I have started this blog. Originally, to write Jane Austen Fan Fiction book reviews, but very soon the repertoire expanded to other reviews as well, when I started to attend Jane Austen related theatre productions, balls, festivals, events.


21 years ago, in 1996, when I watched the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice version the first time with my mum, I was so facinated by the costumes, acting and the whole thing, that I told her “I want to meet these people.” My mum’s reply was “Honey, it doesn’t work like that”. She was right in many ways. I had to move to the UK, I needed lot of luck and determination, and still, it hasn’t happened overnight. When I moved here more than 4 years ago, all I knew was, that I want to go to the Jane Austen festival in Bath (preferably dressed up) and if someone from the cast plays in theatre, I would like to watch it.

Since then I have met one of my best friends, Joana Starnes; I have been introduced to JAFF by Sophie Andrews from Laughing with Lizzie and met other bloggers on- and offline, like Ana from My Vices and Weaknesses, Claudine from JustJane1813, Rita From Pemberley to Milton; and countless authors and other dedicated fans.

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I had dinner with “Jane Bennet”; I’ve visited all the ’95 and most of the ’05 P&P filming locations along with other Jane Austen adaptation locations; I was an extra in the BBC documentary: My Friend Jane; I’ve been interviewed by The Guardian (coming soon); appeared on 2 JAFF book covers (Mr Bennet’s Dutiful Daughter and Miss Darcy’s Companion) ; I can dance period dances, but I have 2 left legs in a disco (not that I party unless it’s a regency ball); I literally have more period outfits than modern day dresses; I have 78 P&P copies in 18 languages; and I have met fifteen ’95 cast members, including Jennifer and Colin.
I have seen many cast members in theatres in London, Chichester, Nottingham and I even went to Broadway. My first one was Mr Collins (David Bamber) in West End, and my last one was Jennifer Ehle in New York. The first cast member I met was Adrian Lukis in Bath at the festival and I will always treasure the moment when I met Colin and Jennifer.




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A few weeks ago, on the way to London, Rita “From Pemberley to Milton” and I have discovered the unimaginable, that both of us started our blogs on the very same day and year – 3rd of August 2015 – and if it’s not enough, both of our first review was one of (although different) Abigail Reynold’s books.


As you, wonderful people, have been with me and Rita on this journey, you shared, liked, commented, entered giveaways, wrote us messages, etc., We would like to offer  one lucky winner a copy of The Darcy Monologues, signed by the editor Christina Boyd, and 3 authors: Lory Lilian, Joana Starnes and Caitlin Williams along with a Mr Darcy magnet. The giveaway is international and open until the 22nd of August.

You can enter by COMMENTING ON BOTH From Pemberley to Milton AND Obsessed with Mr Darcy’s original wordpress post. Good luck!


41 thoughts on “2 years old with a giveaway

  1. Congratulations Mira! I love your blog anniversary post, especially because it shows you have 3 of the personality traits I value the most in people: Independence, determination and perseverance 🙂 Let’s hope we will continue blogging for many more years!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Joyeux BlogAnniversaire et belle continuation !! 🙂
    Vous avez fait de très belles rencontres et visites que vous avez eu la gentillesse de partagez avec nous alors merci beaucoup !!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a fantastic post! I love all the Austen adventures you have gone on and shared with us. I hope one day to meet you too! Thank you so much to you and Rita for organizing this giveaway of a signed copy of “The Darcy Monologues”. To get 3 of the 15 author’ signatures (Joana Starnes and Caitlin William, who I did meet, and Lory Lilian’s, who I have yet to meet) is quite a celebration, especially how my authors are from across the globe! Thank you again. And congratulations on your anniversary. And thank you for meeting me in London, showing me how the train system works in UK, touring Chawton with me, and for all the fun of that wonderful day. Will never forget it. And remember, come visit! Wishing you many more years blogging and friendship!

    PS–Did you review “Noble Connections” or was that Rita for a first review? Funnily, Abigail Reynolds wrote me into her “Noble Connections” (I am the Miss Boyd in her story and through a fundraiser I was also able to name “my father”… I believe I mashed up my own MrB’s name with Henry Cavill’s…something like Sir Matthew Henry Dalgliesh Boyd of Jersey.)


    1. Edit: (above comment) It is supposed to read “meet you again here too in the Pacific Northwest”… ¡Mi casa su casa!


  4. Congratulations on your second anniversary of blogging. Your readers are very appreciative of your dedicated work. Thank you for the giveaway.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations Mira! I have loved seeing you on photographs and in My Friend Jane. What a fabulous programme that was. I can’t get enough stories about Darcy and Elizabeth and am so happy to read about new ones and about the different authors and bloggers.
    I don’t know if I have commented on your site before but would love to read more.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations to you both, Mira and Rita! It seems as though you’ve both always been a part of the JAFF scene, instead of just two years.

    How fantastic that you’ve met so many of the cast from 1995. So far, I can chalk up just Mr. Wickham, earlier this year. One day I hope we can meet face-to-face, possibly even at Pemberley!

    I’ve said on Rita’s blog but I’ll say it here too, please don’t put my name in the giveaway as I always have a copy of The Darcy Monologues.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Happy blog anniversary, dear Mira, and I wish you to celebrate many, many more! It was such a joy to finally met you this summer and I hope to see you again soon! I loved your post and I am sooo delighted to admire again and again the fabulous pictures with PnP 95 cast 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am in awe of your cast meetings! You are a star (and always a delight to meet) ❤️

    Congrats on a brilliant milestone shared with lovely Rita.

    (Like Anji, no need to include me in the draw!) 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I am afraid I am old school on technology. I was a telephone operator [back in the day] when we were using the old cord boards and you had to call the operator in order to place a long distance call. Look at technology now. I didn’t even know what a blog was for the longest. I started writing reviews when I retired and someone introduced me to Goodreads. From there I found Rita’s blog and from her to you. Happy Anniversary and may you never lose your love of reading or JAFF. P.S. I also love Colin Firth.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Mira,

    Happy blog anniversary!!! 🍰☺️

    I can’t believe how many of the cast of the ’95 P&P that you’ve actually met,face to face!! It must be a wonderful feeling,meeting these people who,as different characters,hold a really special place in all out hearts!! 😊

    Wishing you the best of luck in the year ahead with your blog!
    Looking forward to reading your future posts!
    Please don’t include me in the giveaway as I’ve read and loved TDM! Cheers! 😌

    P.S. Oh,to have been with you when you met Jennifer and Colin…!

    Never knew you were on the cover of two of Joana’s books!!
    What an honour! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Good on you for following your passions! And I must say, you live a charmed life! Congratulations to you and to Rita as well! And how cute is it that you and Rita started at the same time with Abigail Reynolds books? She’s by far, one of my fave authors! I think I’ll stalk around here and Rita’s blog to read those reviews now… Again, congrats and more Austen love for all! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. What a happy post! 🙂 I love that you’ve had the determination to meet all of these cast members and love your selfie with Mr. Darcy! CF seems like the nicest man! Love you and Rita’s blogs and I’m so glad I’ve come into contact with people who are as crazy over JA like I am! Congrats on your blog-iversary!! No small thing to stick with something for two years.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. As I just wrote to Rita…

    How FUN. Your lives are richer!
    And, boy, would I love to win the ‘Monologues!’
    Thank you, and Congratulations!
    To the next two years, with lots of fun for all of us…

    And may I have, one day, your amazing good luck meeting our beloved ’95 P&P
    actors! wow.

    Man, that Wickham/AL really holds UP. He looks great.
    Collins, too.

    Thank you! Green with envy over your Jane200 experiences, too – amazing!
    (like Carolee)

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Mira, happy blog anniversary! How exciting that both you and Rita started your blog on the same day! I can’t believe you’ve met so many of the cast from the 1995 film! I love all the pictures you’ve posted! I have to admit some of them are were a bit harder to figure out since they were not in their regency costumes… That’s amazing accomplishment to be able to not just meet them but take a picture with them as well.

    It was so much fun meeting you in person in June for “My Friend Jane” documentary. I’m so bummed that we cannot reconnect in person when you are in NY this fall. I just booked my flight and I’m two days off of the time you’re going to be there! 😦 Hope you enjoy your travels. Love that Jane Austen brings together so many people!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. What a fun post! You look right at home with all of those Austen actors. I envy your ability to meet them!! You’re a lucky lady indeed.

    I loved meeting you twice this year, which is even crazier since we may meet for a third time too… fingers crossed. I’ve had a blast getting to know you, Mira, and your lovely blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Congratulations to both of you on your mutual anniversary. I have to admit that I follow blogs rather sporadically; this post introduced me to yours and I will do my best to keep up with it. You are all so inspirational — I came to JAFF rather later than many of you; my own blog will be just one year old on September 9. (I hope to give some stuff away too.) Now I will aspire to two years or longer! These were such fun posts to read and thank you for the giveaway offer :-).

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Congratulations on your anniversary. I loved the history and all the photos. It was interesting trying to match those with what I remember the actors/
    actresses looking like in the movie. Don’t enter me in any drawing as I won the big raffle with TDM blog tour and have that book.


  18. Happy 2nd anniversary and thank you so much for offering this Giveaway, this book looks so great and I have it on my TBR list so I would love a chance to win it!


  19. Happy Blogversary!!!! OMG can’t believe I was away & missed it!!! Even more away with the fairies than usual 😀 We were in Cornwall with no WiFi, just seagulls. And chasing after Poldark, with a lots less success than you had with the P&P cast 😀

    That’s such a great background to the story, that you wanted to meet them from day one, and your mum told you it doesn’t work like that. Little did she know what you can do. So proud of you that you followed your dream and so very happy we met when we did and that we had such amazing times together. Here’s to many more crazy years and the 10 Year Blogversary. But we’ve got to drink that Darcy champagne this year!!

    Happy Anniversary!!


    1. “We were in Cornwall with no WiFi, just seagulls. And chasing after Poldark, with a lots less success than you had with the P&P cast 😀”

      Joanna, you just brought a huge smile to my face, giggling, from the likes of the above, and moved, from the likes of…

      “Little did she know what you can do. ”



  20. Congrats on 2 years of blogging!! I’ve only just found your blog, so here’s to many more years!! So in awe of all your ’95 cast meetings!!! How amazing! I look forward to exploring your blog and what’s to come!!


  21. Happy blogging anniversary, Mira. Wow, you are a truly dedicated (and obsessed) fan to be able to move to UK. I’m quite envious of you because you have already achieved your dreams (which is my dreams as well). I didn’t know you were featured in Joana’s two books. I must look at them again.


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