My top 10 regency style P&P variations


My top 10 list:
1. A Will of Iron – Linda Beutler
2. Mr Darcy to the Rescue – Victoria Kincaid
3. The Unthinkable Triangle – Joana Starnes
4. Yours forevermore, Darcy – KaraLynne Mackrory
5. Haunting Mr Darcy – KaraLynee Mackrory
6. An Unwavering Trust – L. L. Diamond
7. Rainy Days – Lory Lilian
8. Dearly Beloved – Lewis Whelchel
9. An Arranged Marriage – Jan Hahn
10. To Refine Like Silver – Jeanna Ellsworth

These are my favourite regency style Pride and Prejudice variations. I haven’t written a review for all of them, because I read some of them before I had a blog.
When I picked them, I have considered how I felt when I read the books, how did I like the stlyle, plot, characters. All of these stories have unique premisses, they are true to Jane Austen’s style, the characters are complex and wonderful and most importantly after reading hundreds of variations, I still remember the plot and my thoughts when I read it.
Hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
Have fun!

12 thoughts on “My top 10 regency style P&P variations

  1. I’m always interested to see other people’s favourites. I’ve only read five of your top ten picks but I am pleased to see that I have a few more of them waiting for me on my kindle! I agree with you that a favourite has to be one you can remember later; reading JAFF, and particularly Pride & Prejudice variations means that plots can have similar elements so if they stand apart in your mind it means that you really loved them.


  2. Oh so sweet! What an honor to think To Refine Like Siver made it on the list! *heart swells*. Thank you! This is a great list! And I agree that I haven’t read some of the! Sweet! More TBR! Of course!!💙💙


  3. Thank you so much for including An Arranged Marriage among your favorites! I’m thrilled and honored to be in such a great collection of books.

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  4. Mira, I am so very honored, and of course honored for Gail, too, my editor-beyond-price. Thank you enormously! It was wonderful how this story flowed together. All of the others were more of a struggle, a pleasant struggle, but AWOI came along smoothly, and if I can speak for Gail, I think it was in many ways the easiest of my novels for her to edit. Frankly, and I say this because I believe it, I see no way I can top this. I’m still writing, and have another novel nearly ready to submit, but as JA said of P&P, I say of AWOI: My own dear child. Thanks again!


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